...I need to introduce myself. My name is Jessica Romero and I am traveling to Grenoble, France, this summer as a Phoenix Sister Cities Youth Ambassador!
Some facts about me:
I love to read all things ranging from Charles Dickens to John Green, I run cross country at my high school, and my favorite animal is a snow leopard.
My time in Grenoble is approaching quickly, and the overpowering emotion I feel toward this trip is excitement. I have never been abroad, so I am looking forward to being introduced to another culture and new experiences. Aside from escaping the summer in Phoenix for three weeks, I am really looking forward to living with a French family and experiencing every day with them. I have read that Grenoble has abundant hiking trails, and as a lover of the outdoors, I am very excited to see the amazing views. Also, I can’t wait to try authentic French crêpes, croissants, and baguettes.
I am slightly apprehensive since I speak very little French, but I am hoping to learn as much as I can before I leave and, once I arrive, as much as I can from my host family. Overall, I am incredibly excited for this trip and can’t wait to make memories and have a great experience!